
AgriTek: Transformation-as-a-Service (TaaS)

  • Unified Digital Agritek platform is built on latest open-source technologies to include Knowledge management framework, uniform and context specific information dissemination mechanism built on the principles of Systems of Engagement and Innovation.
  • It facilitates seamless integration with all touch points of the agriculture ecosystem with full line-of-sight from Land preparation to Produce marketing.
  • The platform caters to 360º of the rural ecosystem including all allied sectors such as Animal Husbandry, Dairy, Sericulture, Apiculture, Aquaculture, etc. to encompass the entire rural ecosystem.
  • This platform also comes with built-in SLA matrix as well as AI/ML based monitoring and Task generation engine to automate the entire gamut of services and events, assigning and monitoring the tasks for effective completion thus helping the administrators to manage the entire ecosystem by exception for effective throughput.