World is grappling for answers to address the iron triangle of Food Safety, Food Security and Sustainability. Changes in one arm of the triad will impact the remaining two invariably. The art of influencing positive outcomes in the remaining two arms while working on one arm; has been precipitated in Youkta TaaS program.

Youkta TaaS program ensures all three arms of the Iron Triangle can mutually benefit each other solving the global issue.

Digital Agriculture can contribute to not only increase the productivity and profitability of farms but also to strengthen access to diverse marketing channels and resilience to climate change.


  • Farmers are empowered to avail all the schemes, benefits and services offered by the Government.
  • Youkta ensures responsible, sensible and accountable production of good food is deeply inculcated in the capacity building of farmers, extension staff, research bodies, Agribusinesses, Service providers and establishes a level playing field for all stakeholders making it a win-win for all stakeholders.
  • Governments will have full-line-of-sight of all actions, actors and factors influencing the agriculture ecosystem.
  • Real Time Analytics and Real Time Governance (RTG) framework built-in the TaaS platform helps the administration to Plan, manage, measure, control and optimize the efforts and resources for best possible outcomes; providing right information and actionable insights to the right people at the right time.
  • Public sector can target to transform the Agri-Food ecosystem with a one time investment; which not only provides cost saving and efficiency gains, but also generates employment and revenue in the most sustainable model besides protecting the environment. Helps improve the overall health and wellbeing of the people making the state more productive while reducing the healthcare costs.