
Youkta has developed a world class collaborative digital platform for agriculture and allied sectors to encompass all aspects of agriculture and all stakeholders of the ecosystem from Land Preparation to Produce Marketing, with an aim to usher in sustainable and irreversible Rural Development.


Youkta’s Digital AgriTek platform handholds farmers throughout planning, selection, production, harvest, post-harvest and marketing processes with context-specific crop advisory and good agricultural practices (GAP) to improve the quality and quantity of the produce while minimizing cost of cultivation, risk and the impact on environment.


Built-in context specific crop advisory, In-situ crop health management, weather advisory, farm mechanization (custom hiring centers), input aggregation, harvest planning, storage, logistics and marketing modules can greatly serve the farmers to get timely help and support in order to maximize the farm produce as well as to enhance Farmers’ share of revenue.


Consumers get an option to connect with the Farmers directly. Farmer consumer collaboration contributes to increased levels of food safety, demand driven cultivation, quality awareness and social responsibility.


Direct Marketing and extending the journey of farmers along value chain is bound to increase farmers share of consumer spend.

Sustainable Development – Transformation-as-a-Service

  • Youkta is a new breed of enterprise pioneering Transformation-as-a-Service business model across the Agri and allied sectors.
  • We believe in walking the talk. Our fully built and ready to deploy AgriTek Platform packs all the punch to deliver the Transformation as a service with 3 to 4 months no matter how big the size and scale of the ecosystem. We have delivered mass scale Digital Transformation with in 4 months that includes 5.2 Million farmers, 12 Million acres of farmland.
  • Our business models makes the program self-sustainable, highly remunerative and rewarding with in 12 months of operations.
  • Youkta radically transforms the agriculture ecosystem breaking the barriers of technology, innovation and adaption to make the world a better place.
  • Our endeavour is to reduce the cost of cultivation, increase the quality and quantity of yield and to increase the farmers share of revenue in the consumer spend. Help conserve the air, soil and water to protect the environment in the process, we support the planet. Showcasing the care and concern involved in producing the food responsibly we ensure the efforts of deserving farmers are thoroughly rewarded.
  • We bring in highest levels of optimization of Efforts, Resources, Environment and Wellbeing through encouraging and promoting responsible, sensible and accountable behaviour all along the Food Production and consumption ecosystem.
  • We are here to change the way we grow and consume food. We are what we eat and we must know how efficiently it was grown and reward the care and concern shown in making it the best food that nurtures life and wellbeing of you and your loved ones.